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Showing results 2618 to 2637 of 2712 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-01ValSci: Student/Faculty PortalMagboo, Vincent Peter C.; Alcantara, Jezra Y.
2018-05Variations in the morphology and hemocytic responses of Asian green-lipped mussel, Perna viridis l., in selected aquaculture sites in Manila BayBondoc, Marie Angelika E.; Cepcon, Joanna Mae L.
2014-04Vector-Borne Diseases Monitoring System (VBDMS)Magboo, Vincent Peter C.; Saringan, Sherwin Keith B.
2003-04The Vehicle Routing System of Makati A Java-based Vehicle Route Finder Application, Implementing a Two-Phase HeuristicMagboo, Ma. Sheila A.; Mesa, Jerome P.
2024-05Vendadoras de Hermita: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Filipino Mothers as Street Vendors along Ermita, ManilaCalaustro, Mary Angela S.
2008-03Verbal and Nonverbal Channels Used by Selected Fresh Graduates of the University of the Philippines Manila-College of Arts and Sciences To Promote Filipino Values in the WorkplaceQuinto, Regine Anne M.
2008-03The Verbal and Nonverbal Cues Embedded in the Oral English Language Teaching Methods for Koreans: A Preliminary Study of Filipino Teachers in X and Y Learning CentersAliento, Kristine Ann Z.
2008-03Verbal and Nonverbal Cues in Doctor-Patient Relationships that Promote Compliance of Patients to Prescribed Medications in the Department of Medicine of Philippine General Hospital (PGH)Cometa, Bernadette C.
2010-03Verus Felicitas Sanctitus: Finding the Linear Association of Spirituality and Religiosity to Subjective Well-Being in a Seminary ContextYabut, Kim Guevarra
2023-06The Villar Empire: A Case Study on the Resettlement Experiences of Las Piñas City’s Coastal and Waterway DwellersAlegre, Juliana B.
2011-04VIP: Very Important Prison(er)s The Philippine Penal System as a Mirror of Philippine SocietyTaneca, Jan Edward S.
2013-04VirHoLex 2.0 (Virus-Host Interaction Lexicon).Magboo, Ma. Sheila A.; Concepcion, Auradee B.
2007Virtual Communities of Practice: Knowledge Sharing and E-Collaboration in an Online CommunitySome, Rachel Anne Z.
2019-05Virtual screening of ligands with high binding affinity to the multi-drug resistant Candida auris lanosterol demethylase enzyme Y132 F and K143R mutants.Alejandro, Angela Elyssa S.; Planas, Mark David M.
2019-05Virtual screening of ligands with high binding affinity to two multidrug- resistant Candida auris lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase L126l and I466m enzyme mutantsMarron, Zoe Agaetha D.; Tabingo, Mhia V.
2014Virtue above rubble: the ethics of slum tourism.Lumibao, Ruth Genevieve A.
2018-06Visual Performance Test for Patients with Glaucoma using Virtual RealityRonquillo, Angelene
2012-04Visualization of Multivariate Health Data using Self-Organizing MapsSolano, Geoffrey A.; Ghany, Mark Lester Y.
2006-03Volunteerism: A Descriptive Study on the Motivations of Volunteers from Non-Governmental OrganizationsDuma, Paola Joahna M.