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Authors: Baes, Gregorio B.
Dizon, Catherine P.
Keywords: Rice and Corn Production
information system
database management system
Issue Date: May-2009
Abstract: Cereal Production Management System is a web based application that is used as a centralized repository system for all the data gathered through the Rice and Corn Production Survey and all the other data needed for the monitoring of the rice and corn production situation/outlook of the Philippines. Integrated in the system is the estimation procedure that is used to generate the estimate for rice and corn production for the immediate past quarter of the current survey round. Through the use of the system, Officers of the Bureau of the Agricultural Statics will be more efficient by providing reliable and easy access to information on the Palay and Corn Production. Moreover, the system can generate reports that will aid in the decision making to come up with a precise data review estimates and accurate assessment for the Palay and Corn situation/outlook. The system has seven users namely: Provincial Data Encoder, Provincial Agricultural Statistics Officer, Regional Agricultural Statistics Officer, BAS Officer, BAS Director, Online User and System Administrator.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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