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Title: Post-operative Pain Management System with SMS (POPMS)
Authors: Solano, Geoffrey A.
Bayot, Carolyn V.
Keywords: Clinical Information System
Management System
Short Messaging Service (SMS)
Issue Date: Apr-2008
Abstract: The Post-operative Pain Management System (POPMS) is a web-based application that allows recording and monitoring of post-operative inpatients. The process of getting the required data is based on the procedure of data gathering of The Medical City (TMC). The system is limited to anesthetized inpatients from the 3rd floor surgery suite of the hospital only. The system monitors the patients’ pain scores, medications prescribed by the anesthesiologists or anesthesia residents and adverse events thought to be related to the anesthesia or medications. POPMS also allows communication of nurses and doctors via SMS. Doctors who provided their cellular phone numbers are able to receive notifications of significant events of their patients. They can also send their orders to nurses via SMS. These messages will be received by the system and can be read by the nurses assigned to the patients. System management is provided for the hospital quality assurance staff or system administrators. The administrators can manage user accounts, nurse assignment schedules and hospital locations. Reports, also available in Microsoft Excel format, of post-operation and recovery room data are also provided.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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