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Title: REND VISUALIZATION TOOL: An Automation and Simulation with Conversion System of four different notations (DFA, NFA, ε-NFA, Regular Expression) of Regular Language
Authors: Magboo, Vincent Peter C.
Pasco, John Christopher C.
Keywords: Automata Theory
Regular Expression
Finite Automation
Regular Language
Issue Date: Apr-2008
Abstract: E-Learning has been widely developed all over the world in efficiently utilizing technologies in acquiring knowledge. The REND Visualization Tool is a supplemental tool in teaching the basic concept of Automata Theory and Languages – the Regular Language. REND Visualization Tool is a standalone system that can convert representations of regular language namely DFA, NFA, 𝜀-NFA and Regular Expression. Assessing the acquired knowledge is very important in enhancing one’s ability. The system also includes tutorial and assessment for students to utilize. The system gives the user the privilege to save energy in performing manual computations in converting representation from one form to another. Also, a table used for computation is provided for details of computation.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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