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Title: Warranty Monitoring Information System for DPWH Region VIII Leyte 2nd Engineering District
Authors: Carpio, Avegail D.
Laguipo, Alain Ferdinand
Keywords: DPWH
information system
Issue Date: Oct-2007
Abstract: The Warranty Monitoring Information System for DPWH Leyte 2nd District is a information system which aims to aide the department in monitoring the payments for the warranty of the projects done for DPWH. It is a web-based information system created using Preprocessor Hypertext (PHP) and MySQL database. The data submitted is inputted into the system and the user can query this information. The system also reminds the user regarding the payments of projects that have warranties and the user (w/ the help of the system) can send out reminders for the contractors who are due to pay. The system allows easy monitoring of all projects.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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