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Title: An Online Enzyme Subfamily Class Prediction Application with Tutorial Module
Authors: Magboo, Vincent Peter C.
Solis, Anna Lisa R.
Keywords: enzyme
amino acid
Issue Date: Apr-2006
Abstract: With protein sequences entering into databanks at an explosive pace, the early determination of the family or subfamily class for a newly found enzyme molecule becomes important because this is directly related to the detailed information about which specific target it acts on, as well as to its catalytic process and biological function. Unfortunately, it is both time-consuming and costly to do so by experiments alone. The Enzyme Subfamily Class Prediction Application with Tutorial Module aims to incorporate the sequence-order effects into the predictor using the ‘amphiphilic pseudo amino acid composition’ to represent the enzyme. The subfamily where a query enzyme belongs is determined using the augmented covariant-discriminant algorithm. Also, the Tutorial Module provides lectures and self-tests to assist the users in understanding the concepts behind obtaining the ‘amphiphilic pseudo amino acid composition’ of an enzyme and the augmented covariant-discriminant algorithm.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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