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Title: DentISt: Dental Information System 2.0
Authors: Chua, Richard Bryann L.
Balsita, Maria Cristina B.
Keywords: dental information system
dental OpenMRS module
dental informatics
medical informatics
Issue Date: Apr-2012
Abstract: One of the first attempts in the conversion of patient dental records of UPCD to electronic records is Open DentIS. However, the system lacks some functionalities and problems were encountered when it comes to patient record access. Dental Information System 2.0 (DentISt), the second version of Open DentIS, gives UPCD clinicians free access and storage of electronic patient dental records. The system stores patient dental records containing different forms derived from the UPCD admitting section form. DentISt also provides a graphical representation of the teeth in which observations are easily added with just a few clicks. Moreover, the second version is able to address the problem with the running time of a patient dental chart. New and improved functionalities such as querying for patients and statistics are available in DentISt. The system allows clinicians to easily search for patients according to specified criteria. Generating yearly reports is made easier too by Statistics feature of the system. The appointment scheduling feature allows clinicians to keep track of their upcoming appointments with patients. Addition of faculty clinician role also gives faculty clinicians of UPCD access to patient records and added privileges such as printing of patient record and approval of updates on patient dental chart.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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