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Title: Database Encryption using CryptDB for DentISt: Dental Information System (DentISt) 4.0
Authors: Chua, Richard Bryann L.
Lopez, Nicole Anne D.C.
Keywords: dental information system
dental informatics
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Abstract: DentISt 4.0 is the fourth version of the electronic patient record in UPCD. Compared to the earlier version, the new one has an additional security feature which increases database security and con dentiality. As security in a system is one of the main concerns in converting from paper based to electronic-based, hence there is a need to increase database security. CryptDB encrypts all the data in the database and performs query processing as if the user is querying over unencrypted data. It encrypts each data in database according to di erent encryption levels based on the query. This makes the system's data secure from malicious database administrator and adversaries that may compromise the server. This in turn leads to providing greater con dentiality and least privilege access to users, which are the standards of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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