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Title: UP-PGH Department of Otorhinolaryngology Operating Room Scheduling System
Authors: Terrado, Bernie B.
Lanuza, Raphael Mari N.
Keywords: operating room
Android OS
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Abstract: Mobile technology in medical institutions has been very useful to mankind. It makes lives less demanding and gives accommodation through the applications itself and has been a fundamental part to the change of the nature of medicinal services. In the Philippine General Hospital, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) lacks such innovations in mobile healthcare, particularly in arranging and managing operating room (OR) schedules. The ORL Operating Room Scheduler system is a mobile based application for the users of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology in the Philippine General Hospital. It provides the given functionalities of an operating room scheduler that solves the problem of the OR scheduling in the said institution. In this application, the user can create, organize and arrange OR schedule of patients electronically. The users can also appoint and manage the OR schedules through the application themselves conveniently reducing the complexity of the process. The system can be accessed simply by the users in the Department through smartphones with the Android operating system having an internet connection.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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