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Title: A Descriptive Study on Haggling Behavior of Selected Filipino Sellers within Metro Manila
Authors: Hagan, Jillian Teresa H.
Keywords: Haggling Behavior
Strategic Approach
Issue Date: Apr-2008
Abstract: This study aimed to gain an understanding about the haggling behavior viewed from a seller's perspective. It explored if there was a correlation or association amongst the seller’s strategic approaches and personality when dealing with buyers. 41 respondents were interviewed using a guided structured interview written in Filipino, conducted in their respective stalls or stores. It has been found out that price differentiation was primarily dependent on the quality of products. According to the sellers, they perceive budget to be one of the major reasons as to why their buyers haggle. While for sellers, their main reason as to why they let their buyers haggle is that they want to gain more 'suki' - letting their costumers haggle was for them, one surefire way to make them come back. It was also investigated whether or not there was an association between the sellers’ strategic approaches and personality. In the results it was found out that there was none. If there was, it was only at the very minute level. Although not entirely unrelated, the initially expected outcome did not result from the said attempted correlation. The lack of a strong relationship between the two factors/variables (strategic approach and personality) only seemed to have proved that indeed in our everyday’ life, as we go on about our usual business and schedule for the day, and as we go on about dealing and socializing with people, more often than not, we cannot help but take on different roles. And for sellers, in taking on these roles, being the business- minded people that they are, they always make sure that they would be able to profit something from it.
Appears in Collections:BA Behavioral Sciences Theses

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