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Title: Health Insurance Corporation Customer Relationship Management Tool (HICorpCRM)
Authors: Magboo, Ma. Sheila A.
Macaraeg, Paul John N.
Keywords: health insurance company
SMS enabled CRM tool
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Abstract: The health insurance industry is saturated by big companies competing for market share. This saturation has induced a change of focus towards this health insurance companies towards their customers which went from customer acquisition to customer retention. A need for a more holistic approach towards customer relationship management is needed which entails the need for SMS, Telephone and Email helplines. No SMS enabled customer relationship management tool is of existence in the health insurance market hence utilization of the pros brought about by the said technology hasn't been felt by its players yet. This need for an SMS enabled CRM tool could be substantiated through the utilization of a GSM modem and KANNEL for WAP based communication with a CodeIgniter based PHP web application that utilizes MySQL database so as cost and setup would be minimized for this software.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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