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Title: Generation Z Voters’ Political Attitudes and the Government’s Pandemic Response
Authors: Prevosa, Josiah Gaenevieve L.
Mendoza, Micaszen A.
Keywords: Filipino Generation Z
Political Attitudes
Pandemic Response
Critical Phenomenology
Generational Differences
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Abstract: This study aims to learn about Filipino Generation Z's political attitudes with the government's pandemic response under the Duterte administration using critical phenomenology as a paradigm. Specifically, we seek to understand how the government’s pandemic response may have caused the Generation Z voters’ political attitudes to shift during the pandemic, what sets them apart from other generations and to provide a clear picture of their political attitudes. It will be sequential mixed method research in which we will first be having a survey on 300 students from the College of Arts and Science UP Manila. It will then be followed by eight participants, coming from the pool of survey respondents, to undergo in-depth individual interviews.
Appears in Collections:BA Political Science

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