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Title: A Comparative Study of the Antibacterial Activity of Akapulko, Ikmo, and Achuete on Staphylococcus aureus Linn
Authors: Garcia, Ma. Gillian Gerardo
Sison, Emilene Judith Sumpaico
Keywords: Medicinal Plants
Antibacterial Activity
Staphylococcus Aureus
Phytochemical Screening
Disk Diffusion Method
Issue Date: Mar-2002
Abstract: Medicinal plants such as “akapulko,” “ikmo,” and “achuete” are sold in Quiapo. They are known to exhibit antibacterial activity. The purpose of this study is to compare the antibacterial activity of these three plants against Staphylococcus aureus to provide people more alternatives to the more popular and commercial medicines. Phytochemical screening is used to confirm the presence of active components namely glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, and volatile oils. Crude leaf extracts were then used to compare their antibacterial activity through the disk diffusion method. Filter papers dipped in these crude leaf extracts were placed in agar plates seeded with S. aureus. After incubation for three days, the zones of inhibition of growth were measured. In the results, all tested positive for the presence of the active components. “Achuete” produced the largest zone of inhibition followed by “ikmo” then “akapulko”. The presence of the active components are responsible for the said results.
Appears in Collections:BS Biology Theses

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