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Title: Understanding the role of political dissimilarity in the civic attitude of university-level students
Authors: Nakpil, Yves Jude A.
So, Tyra Oliva R.
Keywords: Philippines, National Elections
Socio-Political Issues
Red Tagging
Registered Voters
Civic Engagement
Issue Date: Nov-2022
Abstract: The Philippines has entered a new regime after the divisive national elections last year. Along with this transition is the continuous endangerment to civic space and threats to democracy in the context of prevalent socio-political issues brought by governmnet's authoritarian tendencies such as red tagging, disinformation, among others which are deemed to affect political behaviors. The researchers in this regard, would like to have a deeper understanding on Filipino political affiliation and civic engagement through addressing gaps within existing related literature. The researchers, in relation, conducted two online surveys measuring the mentioned two research variables to thirty Filipino university-level students who are registered voters along with their parents through questionnaires adapted from World Values Survey Association and Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, where data would be quantitatively analyzed using central tendencies and regression analysis.
Appears in Collections:BA Political Science

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