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dc.contributor.authorCruz, Patricia Bianca C.-
dc.contributor.authorLazaro, Michelle Jade Lowelle A.-
dc.description.abstractMass media acts as one of the main agents of socialization. As molders of our values and information systems, mass media proves to be a dominant force in society, particularly in the area of politics. It also continues to expand as more forms of media are introduced to the public, with social media being one of the most popular and accessible platforms up to date. Social networking sites like Facebook, Tiktok, and YouTube allow users to create, share, and consume content with just one click. Unlike in conventional media where content is more monitored and filtered, news and other information offered in social media is broader and has a wider audience reach. Because it is easier to engage online, this gives more room for misinformation and disinformation to thrive. In this paper, the researchers aim to identify how misinformation and disinformation alter and shape the political perceptions and preferences of Gen Z voters in Metro Manila. Focusing on the lived experiences of Filipinos on social media, this study will be conducted using a constructivist approach to establish how one’s interactions and engagements online, particularly their content consumption, impact their political attitudes.en_US
dc.titleRespect My Opinion: Identifying the Impact of Social Media Misinformation and Disinformation on the Political Perceptions and Preferences of Filipino Gen Z Voters in Metro Manilaen_US
Appears in Collections:BA Political Science

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