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dc.contributor.authorBarrameda, Raisa S.-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to study and address the voting behavior of today's electorate by using Alfredo Lim's success in winning Manila Mayoralty as a case study. The researcher administered a survey instrument to 100 Manila citizen-voters to determine voting attitudes and behaviors. Several key people were also interviewed to do a cross-check on the results of survey and to supply on its shortcomings. The results show that there is now a thorough deepening of voter consciousness on the part of the electorate as they take heed of the personal characteristics of the candidates and their platform and programs of government. Further, the results support literature that suggests voters do not easily get captivated by popularity anymore but regard the benefits from the candidates as crucial to their selection.en_US
dc.titleWhat Lies Beneath? The Reasons Behind Alfredo Lim's Success in Winning the Manila Mayoraltyen_US
Appears in Collections:BA Political Science

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