BA Organizational Communication Theses Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 417
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002-03A Quantitative Descriptive Study on the Effectiveness of Marketing Management of ABS-CBN Bayan Microfinance through Client Satisfaction Based on Customer FeedbackGan, Michelle T.
2002-03A Study on the Perceived Impact of Leadership Change on an Organization’s Communication ClimateGorres, Angelina Luisa V.
2003-03The Perceived Effect of the Vision of the Public Attorney's Office on the Employees’ Level of CommitmentFensantos, Resalie Aubrey D.
2003-04The Correspondence in Styles of Leading and Following: Case Study of JG Summit’s Petrochemical CorporationGerardino, Pauline Hedy S.
2005-03An Exploratory Study of the Grammatical Structure and Style Between Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Debates of Selected Members of The UP Manila Debate CircleFernandez, Maria Diana V.
2024-05Exploring the Role of Managers' Communication Strategies in the Facilitation of an Organizational ChangeVillanueva, Jedidiah C.
2024-05First Impressions Last, or Do They? Exploring the Upward and Lateral Impression Management of Public Elementary School Teachers in a Municipality In PangasinanVelasquez, Kirstein Danielle M.
2024-08The Significance of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) on the Organizational Commitment of a Professional Filipino Volleyball TeamSison, Joaquim Andrew C.
2024-05"TL, support call po": An Explanatory Inquiry into Employees' Lived Experiences with Perceived Leadership Styles and their Impact on Work Performance in a Philippine-Based BPO CompanySealongo, Trojan Rosh D.
2024-06The Customer is Always Right: The Impact of User-Generated Content (UGC) in Brand Marketing on Instagram and Tiktok on Generation Z’s Purchasing Behaviors in Metro ManilaSartillo, Angeli M.
2024-05Building Connection with Patients Connected to Machines: A Descriptive Study of Nurse Communication with Chronic Patients in Philippine Hospital UnitsSantos, Jasmine A.
2024-06The Relationship Between Makeup-Use and Self-Efficacy Among Gen Z Female Corporate Employees in Taguig City, PhilippinesMauricio, Patricia D.
2024-06The Role of Communication in Authentic Leadership and Followership Development Through Social Exchange Theory: A Case Study on Traditional Banks and Fintech CompaniesMatayom, Albert Laurence V.
2024-05Exploring Transformational Leadership and Its Influence on Employee Affective Commitment in a Private Firm in the PhilippinesLupac, Carl Andre V.
2024-05Exploring the New Normal: Understanding Filipino Managers’ Perceived Uncertainties in the Hybrid WorkplaceLivelo, Leanne Irish A.
2024-05Communicating Visions: Exploring the Social Identity Framing Rhetorical Strategies of Outstanding Sangguniang Kabataan LeadersLandicho, Germaine T.
2024-05Game Changers: AI Integration in Sportscasting and the Evolving Landscape of Sports Media Organizations in the PhilippinesHildawa, Paolo Miguel N.
2024-06An in-Depth Exploration of the Filipino’s Consumer Behavior Towards the Marketing Communication of Green Products in the PhilippinesGoh, Danielle Ainne B.
2024-05Work From Home: The Experiences of Telecommuting During the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Future in Working to a Digitized WorkplaceGo, Joshua Emmanuel S.
2024-05Exploring the Connection Between Sociocracy and Agency in Panasahan Credit Cooperative, Bulacan, PhilippinesEspino, Paula Andrae C.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 417