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Title: Developing a Real-Time 3D AI Primary School English Teacher Using OpenAI and Unreal Engine
Authors: De Jesus, Will Nigel C.
Keywords: AI chatbots
OpenAI’s GPT-3
Unreal Engine
Real-time primary school English teacher
Education technology
Content generation
Virtual avatars
Interactive learning
Teacher-student interaction
Language processing
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Abstract: Recent advancements in AI chatbot technology have brought about significant improvements. This research paper explores the application of OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Unreal Engine to develop a real-time primary school English teacher. The system aims to enable teachers to input various primary school English topics, receive AIgenerated content, and observe the interactive 3D avatar delivering the material. Similarly, students can pose relevant questions to the lesson and observe the avatar’s delivery of the content. Two primary school English teachers were engaged as domain experts in use testing to evaluate and provide feedback on the system. The results indicate that the system received positive feedback from the domain experts. They emphasized the system’s vast knowledge base in English education, the quality of its content, and the adaptability of content generation based on prompts. However, the experts also noted the need for additional interactive features, such as the ability to pause and encourage student participation. Overall, the system demonstrates significant potential as an educational tool within our existing education system.
Appears in Collections:Computer Science SP

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