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Title: Parkison's Disease Decision Support System
Authors: Gasmen, Perlita E.
Tibayan, Aemelia Leupoldine III P.
Keywords: Parkinson's disease
support vector machines
data reduction technique
data preprocessing algorithms
decision support system
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Abstract: Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that is slowly progressive. Among the common symptoms of PD are tremor, shaking and dysarthria. This refers to a group of speech disorders usually resulting from neurological damage and is characterized by some degree to having weak, slow, uncoordinated or changed tone of speech muscles. It is stated in some researches that speech deficiency is one of the good indicators of PD. Therefore, Parkinson’s Disease Decision Support System makes use of the speech signal dataset to create a model that would be used for future classifications of PD subjects. Data preprocessing techniques and data reduction algorithms are implemented together with Support Vector Machines. The highest accuracy obtained through 10-fold cross validation is 98.24%. PD DSS proves to aid students and researchers in the field of PD.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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