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Title: CAI on Techniques on Molecular Biology and Applications on Basic Sequence Analysis
Authors: Alib, Cherry Ann G.
Issue Date: Apr-2003
Abstract: The technological era has come to spread into different areas. Information technology has been taken in a broader sense and has been applied in many fields. The UCAI on Techniques on Molecular Biology and Applications on Basic Sequence Analysis" is an online learning tool equipped with a sequence database link and applets that would be effective tools in learning molecular biology. The system contains lessons that are dynamic in terms of updating the lectures and generating quizzes randomly A quiz is given for each lesson to test how much a student has learned. The sequence alignment applet makes use of dynamic programming where certain scores are assigned and an optimal alignment is given as an output. In line with sequence similarity is the generation of dot plots with different options on its filters. This applet outputs a graph that plots the local and global alignments of the sequences. Additionally, an applet for open reading frames for DNA to RNA translation and identification of codons was also presented in the system.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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