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Title: iREB: Web Portal, Monitoring, and Information System for UPMREB
Authors: Solano, Geoffrey A.
Barcelona, Rachelle Anne L.
Keywords: UPM Research Ethics Board
information system
web portal
monitoring system
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Abstract: The UPM Research Ethics Board (UPMREB) serves as an integrated research ethics board consisting of existing UPM ethics committees. The board conducts all ethics review of research protocols by UPM and non-UPM researchers done in UPM or non-UPM sites. In monitoring a huge amount of protocols, it is important to have a system that would provide fast data accessibility and reliable data storage. iREB is a web portal that allows the principal investigators to submit the reports and applications required by the UPMREB to be reviewed by the assigned reviewers. This system also helps the secretariat staff, panel chair, and coordinator to monitor the studies supervised by the ethics board.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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