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Title: CBR-FM: The UP Manila CAMP Community-Based Rehabilation Form Management System and Mobile Application
Authors: Gasmen, Perlita E.
Dadivo, Dionalei
Keywords: community based rehabilitation
mobile application
form management
information system
Issue Date: Jun-2016
Abstract: Community Based Rehabilitation is a rehabilitation program being implemented by CAMP, wherein interns will perform profiling and treatment in a community within a specific period of time. They fill out paper based forms (WHOQOL, WHODAS, WHODAS Proxy, CNA and FCP) which will later be encoded using Google Forms to be sent to the CBR Data Management Officer (DMO). UP CAMP CBR data is stored via: paper based forms and Google drive. Each storage option presents its own down sides, giving challenges to the users. Also, this setup obviously requires a lot of effort. CBR-FM is a system developed to address the challenges and problems in the current CBR Data Management. The CBR-FM system which composes of a web and mobile application facilitates easier profiling, storage, and overall management of the UP CAMP CBR data. The mobile application is a tool capable of automated profiling of the communities in rural areas. The system met its primary objectives and serves as an initial step in the transformation of UP CAMP CBR programs data management and form submission from paper-based scheme to a more developed automated system.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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