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Title: Mobi-MAPP: A Mobile Application for Quick Alert and Monitoring of Disasters
Authors: Magboo, Ma. Sheila A.
Ballicud, Neil Patrick U.
Keywords: disaster risk reduction
mobile application
web services
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Abstract: Several calamities have already been observed here in the Philippines. With its geographic location, it is not surprising that the country has been considered as one of the most disaster-prone in the world. In times of these disasters, that come unpredictably, alertness and preparedness of the people is important as these could prevent possible damages and save lives. With the advent of modern technological tools and gadgets such as smartphones, with its advanced computing ability and connectivity, it is not impossible to cre- ate a mobile early warning system and quick monitoring for these kinds of disaster. In this project, we propose a system called Mobi-MAPP, a mobile application for quick alert and monitoring of disasters. Here, Mobi-MAPP users can send their reports on a particular disaster situation through the application. Also, data from di erent concerned local and national agencies are gathered. These data will then be quickly re ected on the Mobi-MAPPs interactive map which will display di erent disaster information across the country. Mobi-MAPP also provides an alert system wherein users are noti ed of nearby disaster. Mobi-MAPP also pro- vides a means in which national disaster risk reduction and management units can share disaster information and activate disaster response to a ected areas.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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