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Title: BrainMax: A Web Application that supports Screening, Monitoring and Diagnosing Depression
Authors: Bachini, Jambihlds
Keywords: mental health
beck depression inventory
Issue Date: Jun-2018
Abstract: Mental is one aspect of an individual's health that is essential in carrying out his/her day-to-day activities. A person's mentality starts to be at risk when he or she is a ffected by the events that are happening in his or her life or maybe in the society that he or she lives in. A possible result of this is depression which we often treat as just an emotional instability of a person when in fact, it is a serious medical condition. The goal of my study is to bridge the gap between the patient and the medical attention that he or she needs by implementing BrainMax: a web application that supports screening, monitoring, and diagnosing depression. Through this application one will be: screened if he or she has depression, his or her health will be monitored to know if he or she is getting better or worse, and diagnosed to get rid of the mental condition.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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