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Title: Around Metro: A Mobile Public Transport – Geographical Information System for Metro Manila
Authors: Baes, Gregorio B.
Narvaza, Allen Kenneth L.
Keywords: trip planner
intermodal transportation
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Abstract: Transportation is a non-separable part of any society. It has greatly influenced people’s way of living and the way in which societies are organized. In Metro Manila, thousands of people travel daily for social and economic activities by using public utility vehicles (PUVs). It is a well-known fact that commuting is the most practical way to move from one location to another. However, the efficiency of using PUVs depends on the person’s knowledge about the streets. Around Metro is an Android application that generates directions and guides people on how to get to their destinations by using PUVs. It takes into consideration the user’s preferences and traffic information in generating trip suggestions. This application is helpful most especially for first-time commuters in Metro Manila.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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