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Title: Scrum Project Planner Primer - a software engineering tool for university setting
Authors: Terrado, Bernie B.
Escotido, Alyra Y.
Keywords: agile
software development
software engineering tool
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Abstract: Agile-Scrum methodology is developed to address issues on immediate deadlines of the projects, requirements changes and problems in communication with thecustomers. It is a software methodology that deals with repetitive work cycles and is iterative and is now popular to dff erent software companies. Students can also use Scrum for their software projects. Issues like short duration for the project, not fi xed requirement specifi cations, and weekly updates or milestones to the clients or instructor are common to every student team. These issues are parallel on what Scrum methodology can solve. In this study, a collaboration tool that adapts the Agile-Scrum methodology and is designed as a tool suitable for the university environment was developed.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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