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Title: SpotAVet: A Location-Based Application for Pet Needs
Authors: Magboo, Ma. Sheila A.
Galeng, Chessel Johara S.
Keywords: SpotAVet
pet medical record
location based application
Android application
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Abstract: Animals especially pets play an important part of lives. Same for humans, it is important that we give them what they need when they need them. And in return we receive something from them as well. Due to evolution of society, demand on pet medical care has increased as well as demands for veterinary services. But the information on how to get these is limited. Even in the current technology that we have, system and application that provide information regarding clinic location are less if not totally unavailable or not generally available to public. SpotAVet is a system used to lessen the gap between pet or animal owner to veterinary clinic and veterinarians. Being a Web-based system, SpotAVet enables its user to easily manage, monitor and safe-keep pet medical records and information. It also utilizes location based feature to provide information on clinic map location. Clinic schedule and its veterinarian’s specialization and schedule are also available with the use of the system. The system also allows pet owners to virtually set appointment to veterinarian without the hassle of calling or going to clinic himself/herself. SpotAVet also comes with Android support application which enables users and non-registered users to search veterinary clinic near their location. Clinic information and veterinarians information is given to them as well. With the use of this system, information on veterinary clinics and veterinarians will be available for public use. With the right information and help from professionals, it could improve the way we deal with some of the problems associated with animals and pets.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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