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Title: PredicTB An Intelligent System for Classification of Tuberculosis using Artificial Neural Networks
Authors: Carpio, Avegail D.
Bello, Chris Chesser M.
Keywords: Tuberculosis
Artificial Neural Networks
Decision Support System
Incremental Pruning
Issue Date: Oct-2011
Abstract: PredicTB is an intelligent system for the classification of tuberculosis that could help healthcare providers diagnose and classify patient data, especially for rural areas where doctors are not always available. The system uses a multilayer feed-forward artificial neural network to learn and predict patterns in the patient data. PredicTB uses algorithms like backpropagation and incremental pruning in order to reach a sufficiently accurate diagnosis. A sample project was created to test how the system performs. The data set was obtained from 174 patients from the UP Prime TB DOTS. Data was classified into two types: pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB. The system was able to reach 96.49% accuracy and from these results, we can conclude that an artificial neural network is an accurate and reliable method for classifying tuberculosis patients.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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