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Title: WADoTS: A Workflow Aware Document Tracking System for FDA
Authors: Solano, Geoffrey A.
Año, Jose Louie Mark Z.
Keywords: Document
Tracking System
Workflow Aware
Dynamic Changes
Issue Date: Apr-2013
Abstract: FDA processes hundreds of documents per day. The movements of these documents are only recorded as they arrive to a particular department. Since these records are not centralized, there is no way of monitoring the movements of the documents efficiently. A centralized information system would seem to provide a solution, but FDA processes its documents with constantly changing workflows. Such changes would require heavy maintenance on information systems. WADoTS is a workflow aware document tracking information system that is capable of facilitating the dynamic changes in document processing requirements and workflows of the FDA. Workflows and requirements are customized by the users without changing the system’s code. It provides user friendly interface in setting detailed routing and processing requirements of workflows. Authorized users are also able to see graphical representations of each document’s status.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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