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dc.contributor.authorBayot, Ama Nikita R.-
dc.description.abstractIt is evident that generally, the Philippines are suffering from brain drain. But this study will take a look specifically on the brain drain among Filipino health professionals. In order to determine why and how brain drain among health professionals began; the study will look at its roots through a brief historical analysis of the Philippine healthcare system and its health professionals not just working domestically but also those who are working overseas. It also wants to look at the discrepancy in the number of Filipino health professional working in the Philippines and those who are working abroad and determine its effect to our healthcare system. Using the data found between the number of Filipino health professionals domestically and internationally, the study will then determine which sector – either the public or the private sector, is more prone to brain drain and also the prevalent factors that affected their decision through the analysis of their current working conditions and the use of the push and pull factors. Lastly, it intends to draw solutions as to how brain drain among health professionals can be decreased. Thematic analysis of various key informant interviews and expert interviews the study will be able to discover common themes that can answer its objectives. It will also use survey questionnaire to measure the different variables of the study. The neoclassical theory of migration which states that difference in wages between countries is what motivates migration of individuals and endogenous growth theory which encourages the investment in education and knowledge capital will be the theories used in this study. Brain drain among health professionals is still apparent and is continuously affecting our healthcare system, this may be solved through re-organizing the health sector and creating policies for health human resource in the health sector.en_US
dc.subjectBrain Drain,en_US
dc.subjectWorking Conditions,en_US
dc.subjectHealthcare System,en_US
dc.subjectHuman Resourceen_US
dc.titleFlight 15000: the exodus of Filipino health professionals an in depth study on the increasing rate of brain drain among Filipino health professionalsen_US
Appears in Collections:BA Political Science

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