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dc.contributor.authorPeña, Francis Angelo Loyola-
dc.description.abstractThe concept of collective action is a terminology in Political Science that has good benefits in a sense that it is effective in fixing social problems, and finding solutions. An example of this concept is the Labor Day. Specifically, this holiday was once a movement in the United States. The movement helped to secure this holiday in legislation (United States Department of Labor, n.d.). In connection to Labor Day, unions are another example of collective action since it can give workers social benefits like safer workplace, leaves, and job security (War on Want, 2016). Another example is the women's right to vote. In fact, it was the 19th amendment in the United States Congress. It was a product of protest and struggle (19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's right to vote (1920), n.d.). In terms of relocation sites, however, no body of literature have covered how collective action works there. Because of that gap, this study discovers how collective action works in relocation sites. In a developing country like Philippines, relocation sites are a pressing issue in today's society. [Introduction]en_US
dc.titleRaffia unity: the role of collective action in analyzing, investigating, and problematizing relocatees' needs at relocation sites.en_US
Appears in Collections:BA Political Science

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