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Title: WASMS: Web-based Application for Soccer Motivation using Simulations applying Artificial Neural Network
Authors: Magboo, Vincent Peter C.
Rollon, Carl Renstein A.
Keywords: Soccer Motivation
Neural Network
Machine Learning
Classification Problem
Issue Date: Apr-2013
Abstract: Soccer is not yet a renowned sport in the Philippines and we lack efficient ways in introducing it to the people, particularly the youth. In this study, a web-based application for soccer motivation using simulations, or WASMS, is created. It renders both introductory and advanced information about the sport in enticing manners. It features primarily soccer simulations implemented in a Java applet. These simulations are incorporated in a highly graphical and smoothly animated game to provide a more effective encouragement for the target users. The simulations are inspired by the RoboCup Simulation League, a testbed for developing new methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In these simulations, an artificial neural network is applied to the decision-making process of AI players when trying to score a goal. The trained neural net is capable of answering two classification problems: when to shoot the ball and where to shoot it.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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