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Title: Online Student Evaluation of Teachers 3.0: Integrating Dynamic Questions
Authors: Chua, Richard Bryann L.
Vinas, Ishmael Z.
Keywords: OSET
Teacher evaluation system
dynamic question construction
Issue Date: Apr-2012
Abstract: Online Student Evaluation of Teachers 3.0 (OSET 3.0) brings new advantage over the previous versions by making the questionnaires of Student Evaluation of Teachers (SET) dynamic. This allows for each subject to have its own type of SET questionnaire since di erent colleges in UP Manila use its own type of evaluation tool. OSET 3.0 allows the colleges to conduct their own evaluation process independent of other colleges within their own evaluation period. It also allows changes within classes like changing or assigning of instructors. Management of students who have dropped subjects or have applied for LOA is a new feature of the system.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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