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Results 2661-2670 of 2685 (Search time: 0.018 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-06Assessing the Effects of Alcohol Consumption on the Psychological State Of CAS-UPM Students: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods StudyValencia, Jed Michael L.
2022-07The Teenage Pregnancy Pathway of Disenfranchisement: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions of Teenage Pregnancy in Selected Urban Poor Communities in Angeles City During the PandemicSoriano, Shaneza Mae S.; Sanchez, Charlese C.
2022-05A Study on the Implementation of Republic Act 10654 and Its Impacts on the Municipal Fisherfolk of Brgy. Sipac-Almacen, Navotas CityPecson, Gene Ericka R.
2022-06HOME IS WHERE THE HURT IS: Examining Economic Dependence as a Driver of Intimate Partner Violence Against Poor Women in the PhilippinesLayug, Yrha Li S.; Domingo, Tamara Virginia P.
2022-06Generation Z Voters’ Political Attitudes and the Government’s Pandemic ResponsePrevosa, Josiah Gaenevieve L.; Mendoza, Micaszen A.
2022-05Ing Gintung Abias, Mangamateng Ortelanu, ampong Maranup a Tau (Golden Rice, Dying Farmers, and Hungry People) A situation analysis of farmers and consumers in Barangay San Jose Matulid, Mexico, Pampanga and their perception towards GM crops particularly Golden RiceCordova, Irving Joseph B.
2022-07Ipa-Raffy Tulfo Mo! The Inaccessibility of Philippine Justice System based on the Narratives of Tulfo SupportersAseoche, Rhayniel Louise B.; Donato, Barbara P.
2021A Phenomenological Study on the Stress and Coping Mechanisms of Filipino Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsPajaro, Benjamin Bryan A.
2011-03The Rise of Local Industries in Olongapo City After the Exodus of American Armed ForcesCruz, Leo Frederick Z.
2009-03Is There a Conflict Between the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act and the Animal Welfare Act?Sanicas, Melissa J.