Tausugs are one of the major indigenous groups in the Philippines and among the
windows to their culture is through Pagkawin or their wedding rites. Pagkawin is one of
the very few festivities celebrated within Tausug communities and families, either a short
and simple or long and grandiose affair, depending on the agreed-upon setting by the
Tausug families involved. The concentration of the population of the indigenous group
from Sulu and its migration to different places in the Philippines have introduced
elements or developments that may have influenced the structure of pagkawin that may
be definitive or distinct in Zamboanga City. Three eligible participants were interviewed
and chosen through purposive and convenience sampling, particularly Tausug women
with long-term experiences with the cultural phenomena, and were interviewed with a
semi-structured interview guide. In order to expand upon what little is known about the
Tausug pagkawin practices in Zamboanga City, this study had been made an exploratory
research and a qualitative descriptive method was employed in order to present data
gathered from the participants as provided. It was found that the Tausug pagkawin in
Zamboanga is structured objectively depending on the agreement between the families of
both the bride. They practice pagkawin not strictly limited to nor fully observed in the
order of: pagpangasawa, pagturul taymah, pagpayguh, pagpassal, solemnization of
marriage by an imaam, and dum salaam. Tausug women were found to take the role of
food preparations and planning for overall aesthetics of the pagkawin. Future research
can conduct comparative studies of Tausug pagkawin in Zamboonga City with pagkawin
as practiced in other localities or contexts or pursue further research on the narratives of
Tausug women.