There is a growing body of research on the relationship between intergroup contact and attitudes
towards LGBT people. In the Philippines, wherein there is still no national law protecting the
rights of sexual minorities, research tackling the factors of prejudice and homonegativity against
LGBTs are more important than ever. In this study, the levels of homonegativity and intergroup
contact of 93 cisgender heterosexual gen Zs from Pasig City were measured. Further
explorations on the relationship of intergroup contact and homonegativity was done using
qualitative methods and thematic analysis. The study found that the levels of intergroup contact
of the respondents are higher than average while their levels of homonegativity are lower than
average. Contact quality was also taken into consideration in this research as positive intergroup
contact and negative intergroup contact were also measured. Recommendations for future
research suggests replication of the same study but in different areas of the country or with
respondents who have lower levels of education.