This thesis is a qualitative study on the nature of activities performed by the
elderly, their reasons for participating or not participating and the benefits they
derive from participating in community activities. With the challenges posed by
the phenomenon of population aging, it is important to realize what these
activities are which would add ‘life to the elderly years’.
This study aims to describe the nature of activities by the elderly in the
community; to determine the factors which influence the nature and extent of
involvement by the elderly in community activities; and to determine the
reasons for participation and benefits derived from it.
With these objectives, 24 female and 10 male elderly respondents were chosen
using purposive and convenience sampling. The respondents were asked to
answer a questionnaire on their activities (includes a checklist and demographic
questions). Responses were tabulated according to categories of activities and
were further analyzed using chi-square test.
Results showed that most respondents perform leisure and religious among
other activities. Majority of the respondents are inactive in community
activities. Results showed that the elderly are limited by their health and their
lack of time, resulting to low participation in community activities.
Respondents who participated in community activities derive benefits from
participation, mostly fulfillment gain trust (emotional/psychological benefit).
Chi-square results showed that age and employment status were found to
influence the nature of activities. None of the socio-demographic variables
however, were found to affect participation in community activities.
The elderly respondents are able to remain active in old age by substituting less
strenuous’ less expensive activities for previous/ middle-aged activities. Those
who are inactive in the community have health problems or may lack time
contrary to what results of previous studies say.