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dc.contributor.authorTabbada, Reyna Mae Litonjua-
dc.description.abstractThe study is about the influence of organization culture to the conflict management style of the members of Western Police District (WPD) Station 5 Sta. Monica PCP during conflict situations like rallies in their areas of jurisdiction, namely, Supreme Court, Department of Justice, Court of Appeals, and the United States Embassy. An interview plan was used as the method to gather data from 13 members of Sta. Monica PCP, their immediate superior, and 6 demonstrators to verify the answers of the police. Three sets of questions were asked to the members about their culture associated with rallies, attitudes and opinions about rallies, and their conflict management style during rallies. Their immediate superior was asked about their organization culture with regard to rallies and the demonstrators shared their perceptions of police during rallies. The shared values and beliefs of the police force include past stories of deployment, jargons that pertain to the demonstrators as their friends, and symbols that remind them of rallies which include their Civil Disturbance Management (CDM) equipment like shields and helmets. The attitude and opinion of the 13 members range from praise to criticism, labeling rallies as either beneficial or detrimental that they often expect unruly behavior when deployed, and saying that some participants in rallies are paid to attend but believe that it is the people’s right to conduct rallies. The officers of the Sta. Monica PCP use the Accomodating style of conflict management to conform to the maximum tolerace policy, but can shift to Competing when tensions arise. Their immediate superior validated their answers, except when asked about his members’ expectations which he said is positive. The demonstrators said that police are unruly during rallies, though there are instances when they seem to sympathize with their cause. The study also concluded that the influence of the organization culture to the conflict management style of police during rallies is strong, as cultural indicators affect their behavior when deployed to rallies. The recommendation to the Philippine National Police (PNP) highlight the need to improve their training on management of rallies; for the demonstrators to police their ranks better so unruly elements cannot infiltrate them; and for further studies to make the members of the Civil Disturbance Management (CDM) group of the PNP as respondents since management of rallies is their sole responsibility and to employ quantitative analysis of the influence of organization culture to the conflict management style during rallies and other conflict situations.en_US
dc.titleA Study of How Organization Culture Influences the Conflict Management Styles Used by Members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) During Conflict Situations such as Ralliesen_US
Appears in Collections:BA Organizational Communication Theses

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