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dc.contributor.authorAbat, Julliene Victoria G.-
dc.description.abstractThe importance of a decent dwelling for humankind can never be stressed enough. It is undisputedly vital in the promotion of the health, safety, moral and general welfare of any individual. It is therefore essential that a state must be able to provide access to this basic need of its citizenry. In a country like ours, beset with debts and limited budget, the government should be prudent in planning and allocating the shelter fund. Both private and public sectors are also compelled to find innovative avenues in addressing the housing problems. We should maximize and make do with the things already made available to us. Identifying key problem areas is therefore vital in providing decent shelter as mandated by the Constitution. This study identified the paradoxical negative problems: underutilization of existing housing programs despite acute housing supply backlog. In doing so, the study shall endeavor to discuss and analyze in-depth the underlying factors causing the aforesaid double-edged problem. In conclusion, the study will propose concrete solutions and plan of action.en_US
dc.titleHousing Provision in the Philippines The Case of Underutilization in the Low Cost Housing Sector Vis-a-vis Supply Shortage and Backlogen_US
Appears in Collections:BA Political Science

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