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Title: An Online B-Cell Epitope Prediction Application With Tutorial Module
Authors: Dizon, Pauline Donna P.
Keywords: Immunology
Epitope prediction
Propensity scale
Issue Date: Apr-2004
Abstract: Epitopes are the portions of a peptide antigen which interact with antibodies. Locating these epitopes is of particular interest to areas of research such as vaccine development. One way of predicting the location of epitopes on an antigen is by constructing the sequence scaling profile of the antigen's linear amino acid sequence. Currently there are some computer programs that serve to generate scaling profiles. The Online B-Cell Epitope Prediction Application with Tutorial Module aims to merge the features of making many propensity scales available to the user and of using the Jameson- Wolf equation in generating the profile. In addition, the Tutorial Module provides lectures and self-tests to aid the users in understanding the concepts behind the construction of scaling profiles, in particular, how the Jameson-Wolf equation is used.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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