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Title: Philippine Notifiable Diseases and Epidemiology ON-linc (PhiNDEON)
Authors: Isip, Jackquelvn G.
Keywords: Geographic Information System
Short Messaging Service
Notifiable Diseases
Issue Date: Apr-2008
Abstract: Public health surveillance is a very essential tool in improving the country’s health condition. By knowing the ongoing pattern of disease occurrence and disease potential a health department can effectively and efficiently investigate. prevent and control diseases in the community. In line with this, disease reports should be delivered as soon as possible most especially during disease outbreaks to decide the proper action to be done. The “Philippine Notifiable Diseases and Epidemiology ON-line (PhiNDEON)™ is a web based application [or Barangay Health Workers (BHO) and Department of Health officials to store. retrieve, collate and analyze disease reports and information submitted daily by BHO through the use of short messaging service (SMS). The system is designed for the National Epidemiology Center Unit of the Department of Ilealth. The system also provides a Geographic Information System (GIS) of the Philippines for easy viewing and selection of places.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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