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Title: A Preliminary Study on the Identification of Isolated Endophytic and Rhizospheric Bacteria from Mestizo Hybrid Rice Plant
Authors: Agbada, Sarah Melissa
Galzote, Leak Karenina
Keywords: Bacterial Associations
Rhizospheric Regions
Endophytic Regions
Hybrid Rice
Mestizo Hybrid Rice
Inorganic Fertilizer
Bacteria Isolation
Issue Date: Mar-2005
Abstract: Bacterial associations in the rhizospheric and endophytic regions of hybrid rice plant roots have yet to be described. This study identified bacteria associated with the rhizosphere and endophytic regions of hybrid rice. Root samples from the Mestizo hybrid rice variety PSB Rc72H were harvested from untreated plots and from plots treated with inorganic fertilizer. The samples were processed and bacteria were isolated and identified using BBL Crystalâ„¢ kits. Rhizospheric bacteria identified were Acinetobacter baumanii, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, and Enterococcus solitarius. Endophytic bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus cohnii spp. urealyticum, Salmonella gallinarum and Bacillus sp. There were also bacterial species found in both regions such as Burkholderia cepacia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Corynebacterium sp. Several of the bacteria are known diazotrophs while others are described as antagonistic to other plant pathogens. The opportunity now arises for verification of the regions of colonization as well as further studies of the characteristics these bacteria.
Appears in Collections:BS Biology Theses

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