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Title: A Sequential Explanatory Study on the Factors that Contribute to the Adjustment Problems and the Coping Mechanism of 2nd Year CAS Students of UP Manila
Authors: Orate Jr., Henry F.
Keywords: Coping Mechanisms
Adjustment Problem
Poor Academic Performance
Dropping Out
College Adjustment Scales
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Adjustment problem affects most undergraduate students, subsequently, if left unchecked, it could possibly lead students to an undesirable situation like poor academic performance, dropping out, or worst, suicide. A sequential explanatory method has been employed. The study identified factors that contributed to the adjustment problems that students experience and determine the coping mechanism that such students employed. College Adjustment Scales was adapted to measure the adjustment level of the students and all quantitative data was analyzed using multivariate regression analysis statistics. Qualitative data were analyzed through thematic analysis. In conclusion, various factors contribute to the adjustment problem, but they are not limited to sociodemographic variables. The students employed varying coping mechanism that involve seeking social support from peers or parents, making a plan or setting a goal, and seeking pleasure and satisfaction to whatever little achievement they have done.
Appears in Collections:BA Behavioral Sciences Theses

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