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dc.contributor.authorPeñaranda, Patricia Ghenen A.-
dc.description.abstractThe Indigenous people such as the Badjao community have a complex concept of health which does not only focus on individual well-being but focuses also on the individual’s balance with nature and spiritual aspects (UNDP, 2010). Therefore, the concept of reproductive health among Badjaos involves both social and cultural contexts. Such manifests a great need to prioritize on exploring the beliefs and practices of the targeted population through looking at their unique socio-cultural perceptions. This study aims to explore the meaning, and context of reproductive health among the Badjao of Barangay Wawa, Batangas City. In the process of doing the study, the Administrative Order No.1: The Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) and Customary Laws (CLs) Research and Documentation Guidelines of 2012 was used in order to preserve and protect the rights of the indigenous people. Overall, findings of the study have shown that Badjaos are adapting to Western views of health care for maternal care and newborn health, however this is accompanied by their adherence to traditional know hows. Thus, this study suggests that feasibility of reproductive health policies can be done through the integration of both insider and outsider perspectives.en_US
dc.subjectIndigenous Peopleen_US
dc.subjectBadjao Communityen_US
dc.subjectReproductive Healthen_US
dc.subjectIndigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP)en_US
dc.subjectSocio-Cultural Perceptionsen_US
dc.subjectBeliefs and Practicesen_US
dc.subjectMaternal Careen_US
dc.title“Perceptions of the Badjao Community towards Reproductive Health”en_US
Appears in Collections:BA Behavioral Sciences Theses

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