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Title: Localized E-Commerce Application for University of the Philippines Manila (LEAf-UPM)
Authors: Gasmen, Perlita E.
Decapia, Harold James
Keywords: E-Commerce
buy and sell
UP Manila
information system
Issue Date: Jun-2016
Abstract: Many organizations or individuals at the University of the Philippines Manila (UP Manila) sell different types of products such as shirts, textbooks, tickets, etc. The only ways into which these sellers are able to advertise their products are by means of (1) posting some posters of these on bulletin boards, (2) posting posters of these on social media and (3) direct communication between the buyer and the seller. Because of this, certain problems are encountered by both buyers and sellers in terms of convenience, effort, awareness, customer and product management. Certain web applications have already been designed and implemented but none of these is localized; that is, for use only within the UP Manila campus. The goal of this project is to design and implement a localized web-based application which will centralize all product advertisements, all sellers and all buyers of products within UP Manila.
Appears in Collections:BS Computer Science SP

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