An unmonitored flying fox population resides in Barangay Laiya Aplaya of San Juan. Batangas. This study collected baseline dala regarding the roost, population, identity, and diet of the flying foxes on the months of November and December 2008. It was found that the roost covers a tola! area of 1.36x10" knr. with bats observed to roost in trees in the emergent lay er of the forest. The direct roost count showed a result of 1074 ± 656 living foxes, while the more accurate exit count showed a result of 2574 ± 490 flying foxes. The presence of Pteropus vainpyrus was confirmed through visual observations, while the presence of Acerodon jubatus was confirmed through visual observations and the collection of a deceased specimen. The local account of the fruits consumed by the flying foxes is as follows: Anacardium occidental?, Annona muricata, Cananga odorata. Cocos nuefera, Mangifera indica, Muntingia calabura, Neonauclea sp., Nepheliutn lapaceum, Psidiuin guajava, and Sesbania grandiflora.