Philippines is said to dwell on being an agriculture-based country because of its societal
status, natural resources available and technological innovation stagnation. But being agriculture
based country; it made people very much involved into agriculture. This is a fact that make most
of Filipinos work as farmers, and this is their means of producing staple foods needed by every
Filipino mouth to survive, and most common of these staple foods is rice. The Philippine government visualizes agriculture modernization of rice farming through
collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute, and International and non-profit
organization that uses modem means of altering the genes of local rice varieties into hybrid rice
varieties in order to make high-yielding rice varieties to help Filipino farmers increase their
productivity. As a challenge to this claim and as an answer from the farmers’ perspective of how the
government is helping them, this study provided evidences of impracticability of the usage of
hybrid rice varieties because of its being capital intensive and the farmers’ perspective that the
government is not helping them with this kind of agricultural modernization because it should
focus first on solving the institutional, financial and structural problems of the individual