Motherhood is a profession which does not need time records nor
salary. It is universal. However, not all mothers have universal feelings
towards motherhood.
This study seeks to determine whether fulltime mothers in rural
settings are satisfied with the role they play. Specifically, it determines the
reasons why they decided to become stay-at-home mothers and the aspects
of life they are satisfied (e.g. Financial Security, Social Relationships,
Information and Knowledge, Physical Health, Leisure and Emotional Wellbeing).
This study benefits future mothers who are in doubt of taking the path
of fulltime motherhood in the future.
One-hundred ten (110) respondents were selected from Maragondon,
Cavite using Cluster Sampling. Part | is a checklist of the personal information
of the respondents. The Fulltime Mothers’ Satisfaction Scale Questionnaire
consisted of 24 questions distributed equally among the following domains:
(1) Financial Security, (2) Social Relationships, (3) Information and
Knowledge, (4) Physical Health, (5) Leisure and (6) Emotional Well-being.
The questionnaire underwent expert validation and reliability test. Thirty (30)
respondents were pre-tested. The computed reliability of the test using the
split-half method is 0.8159, which means that it is a reliable testing
The decision of staying at home and refraining from work is a decision
of the mothers themselves, not imposed by the husband or the other
members of the society. The respondents, when grouped according to age,
husband's type of job and the number of children, showed differences in their
level of satisfaction. Full-time mothers aged 29 having 4 children have the
highest level of satisfaction. There is almost equal level of satisfaction
between mothers who have employed and self-employed husbands — selfemployed
husband only having an advantage of 0.62. Using the Chi-square
Goodness of Fit Statistic with a confidence level of 95%, the alternative
hypothesis, which states that mothers in rural areas get satisfied by staying at
home and being housewives, is accepted. The mothers reported highest
satisfaction in their physical health, followed by information and knowledge,
emotional well-being, social relationships, leisure, and the least, financial
The major determinants of satisfaction of full-time mothers in the rural
area are ranked as follows: (1) Emotional Well-being, (2) Physical Health, (3)
Social Relationships, (4) Information and Knowledge, (5) Financial Security,
and (6) Leisure. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation statistic showed
that all the variables have an effect on the level of satisfaction of full-time
mothers in the rural areas. How mothers feel is the most important factor in
their satisfaction. If they feel that they are not important to the family, the
satisfaction becomes low. Physical health also counts since having a healthy
body means being able to perform the mothering duties effectively. However,
the mothers said that they are not able to sleep well because of taking care of
the family. Financial security and leisure have the least probability of making the mothers in rural areas satisfied. The act of taking care of the family is
enough to make the mothers satisfied in their lives. Even with the shortage of
money does not highly affect in achieving a satisfactory life in the rural
families because there are always the relatives willing to help with the
problems of one family. Mothers in the rural areas do not feel really alone
when they are left in the house because there are neighbors whom they can
chat with. They are confident with what they do in the family and they always
want to develop their knowledge and skills in order to make their families
better everyday. They also have high matemal instincts that promote their
satisfaction and happiness.
Non-working mothers in a rural setting today are not anymore passive
actors of the society. A major decision in life such as choosing between
fulltime motherhood and work is decided by the mothers themselves. The
high level of satisfaction they exhibit in their vocation is shown by their
satisfaction in their physical health, the knowledge in mothering duties,
emotional well-being, social relationships, financial security and leisure
activities. The advent of new technologies also helps in achieving a
satisfactory life in the area of fulltime motherhood. Television, VCD,
computer, radio, cellular phone and videoke all make the lives of fulltime
mothers satisfying.
Future mothers need not to perceive that fulltime mothering is not a
satisfying task. Many single women of today's generation see fulltime
motherhood as a task which they will get so bored in life. In the future studies, it is recommended that the items undergo further
revisions. Equal samples should also be taken among the variables age,
husband's type of job and number of children. It is also recommended to
compare the levels of satisfaction between full-time mothers in the rural and
urban communities.