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Microprojects of International Financial Institutions: An Impact Assessment to the Nationalistic Identity of the Philippines

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dc.contributor.author Gaza, Kristi Ann L.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-19T00:07:18Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-19T00:07:18Z
dc.date.issued 2004-03
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.cas.upm.edu.ph:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2870
dc.description.abstract This descriptive study on the effects micro projects of international financial institutions on the national identity of the Philippines also focuses on the increasing partnerships of these institutions with the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) or Non- Government Organizations (NGOs). Since this topic is not well-researched in the Philippines, it is the goal of the researcher to produce a basis for further studies on the effects of these micro projects and collaborations on the national identity of the country. The main objective of this study is to assess the impact of International Financial Institutions’ micro projects on the nationalistic identity of the Philippines. Specifically, it aims to identify the perspectives and policies of International Financial Institutions regarding micro projects at the local level, to determine the reason/s why these International Financial Institutions are now directly dealing with CSOs/NGOs to support rather than the national government; to evaluate the trend of these micro projects and their effect on the local level; and to deduce their impact on national level. This study has used as primary resources interviews with key persons on the topic. NGO and CSO coordinators of two international financial institutions, the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. Further, it obtained interviews with a partner NGO, the Philippine Business for Social Progress, and an advocacy NGO which is the Freedom from Debt Coalition. In the end, NGOs/CSOs participate in various projects of these financial institutions from planning to evaluation. Their participation has increased in these projects because of their deliverance of quality services to the target beneficiaries of these international financial institutions. This increase also decreases the level of trust of the people to the government and increases with respect to these NGOs. As a result, the national identity of the Philippines weakens with these collaborations. en_US
dc.subject Micro Projects en_US
dc.subject Civil Society Organizations en_US
dc.subject International Financial Institutions en_US
dc.subject National Identity, Philippines en_US
dc.subject Non-Government Organizations en_US
dc.subject Freedom from Debt Coalition en_US
dc.title Microprojects of International Financial Institutions: An Impact Assessment to the Nationalistic Identity of the Philippines en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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