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The Implications of Urban Development on Urban Housing: A Study of the Housing Needs and Problems of University of the Philippines Manila

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dc.contributor.author Fondevilla, Ella E.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-19T01:25:19Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-19T01:25:19Z
dc.date.issued 2004-03
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.cas.upm.edu.ph:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2874
dc.description.abstract Housing is an important element in sustaining development for every Filipino family. It is also an economic factor determining levels of poverty in the country. More than just the structure, owning a house serves as a fulfillment for every family. Still, other factors affect the conditions of owning a house, one of which is the comfort that it is supposed to be giving to the dwellers. The house is always seen as the place for retirement after a day's work, the place where the basic unit of the family unites and the structure that embodies the values and traditions of the family. However, housing conditions had become a product of development where the changes occurring in the society had brought considerable change to this essential element of living. Brought about by the rapid urban development especially in Metro Manila, the housing conditions of the country shows outrageous transformation that led to different studies about this sector. This study focuses on the housing needs and problems of the employees and students of UP Manila and PGH. The employees and students’ preference for housing is aimed to be learned in order to address the problems they are presently faced with. The highlight of this study is the presentation of recommendations that shall alleviate the living conditions of the UPM-PGH constituents. Chapter I introduces the extent of the problem as well as the theoretical implications that lead to the conclusion of the study. Chapter II presents the researcher’s background of the study. The background was presented through a comparative study of the housing conditions of UP Diliman and UP Manila to show the need of UPM employees and students for decent housing in the same way that UPD saw the need in their constituents. Chapter II is the presentation of the data gathered at the duration of the study. Chapter IV is the conclusion of the researcher as based on the data collected and supported by the theory that was presented in the first chapter. Chapter V is the formulation of recommendations that for the researcher are important steps towards the solution of the foreseen problem in the housing condition of the population. The preference of the population should be an important consideration in pursuing a housing program, however, other factors that the individuals have less control of are often the greatest factor that is considered. Indeed, housing remains as a problem to most of the employees of UPMand PGH. en_US
dc.subject Housing en_US
dc.subject Filipino Families en_US
dc.subject Economic Factor en_US
dc.subject Poverty en_US
dc.subject Urban Development en_US
dc.subject Housing Needs en_US
dc.title The Implications of Urban Development on Urban Housing: A Study of the Housing Needs and Problems of University of the Philippines Manila en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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